Job Opportunities
Smithsonian Fellowships
The deadline to apply for a Smithsonian graduate, predoctoral, or postdoctoral fellowship this year is November 1. Among the diverse opportunities offered, we draw your attention to research fellowships in museum-based ornithology at the National Museum of Natural History. The National Museum of Natural History offers abundant research resources and facilities, including our scientific collection of birds, molecular genetics lab, a new ancient DNA extraction lab, scientific imaging including a new micro- and nano-CT scanner, assistance with histology, and access to a stable isotope lab. Potential ornithological advisors and co-advisors at the National Museum of Natural History are Michael Braun, Terry Chesser, Carla Dove, Gary Graves, and Helen James. It is essential to correspond with one of us about a research project before applying. To learn more about the fellowships that are available and the process for applying, visit the website of the Smithsonian Office of Fellowships and Internships (