Ornithological Societies & Institutions
BirdLife International | www.birdlife.org |
Convention on Migratory Species | www.cms.int |
RAMSAR | www.ramsar.org |
Wetlands International | www.wetlands.org |
International Wader Study Group | www.waderstudygroup.org |
The Americas
Oriental Bird Club | www.orientalbirdclub.org | |
Turkey | Doğa | www.dogadernegi.org |
Israel | Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel | www.teva.org.il |
Near East | Ornithological Society of the Middle East, the Caucasus and Central Asia | www.osme.org |
Azerbaijan | Azerbaijan Ornithological Society | www.aos.az |
China | China Ornithological Society (COS) | www.chinabird.org |
Mongolia | The Mongolian Ornithological Society | www.mos.mn |
Japan | The Ornithological Society of Japan | www.soc.nii.ac.jp |
Japan | Wild Bird Society of Japan (WBSJ) | www.wbsj.org |
Phillipines | Haribon Foundation | haribon.org.ph/ |
Phillipines | Katala Foundation | www.philippinecockatoo.org/ |
Indonesia | Indonesian Ornithologists' Union | burung-nusantara.org/.../the-indonesian-ornithologists-union-idou |
India | Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS) | www.bnhs.org |
Pakistan | Ornithological Society of Pakistan | www.peregrinefund.org |
Bhutan | Royal Society for the Protection of Nature | www.rspnbhutan.org |
Vietnam | BirdLife International in Vietnam | |
Cambodia | BirdLife International Cambodia Programme | |
Hong Kong | Hong Kong Birdwatching Society (HKBS) | www.hkbws.org.hk |
Taiwan | Chinese Wild Bird Federation (CWBF) | www.bird.org.tw |
Indonesia | Burung Indonesia | www.burung.org |
Malaysia | Malaysian Nature Society | www.mns.my |
Myanmar | Biodiversity and Nature Conservation Association | www.banca-env.org |
Nepal | Bird Conservation Nepal | www.birdlifenepal.org |
Singapore | Nature Society Singapore | www.nss.org.sg |
Sri Lanka | Field Ornithology Group of Sri Lanka | fogsl.cmb.ac.lk |
Thailand | Bird Conservation Society of Thailand | www.bcst.or.th |
Kazakhstan | Association for the Conservation of Biodiversity of Kazakhstan | www.acbk.kz |
Kyrgyzstan | Nature Kyrgyzstan | www.wildlife.kg |
Uzbekistan | Uzbekistan Society for the Protection of Birds | www.uzspb.uz |
Bahrain | Bahrain Natural History Society | |
Iraq | Nature Iraq | www.natureiraq.org |
Jordania | Jordan Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature | www.rscn.org.jo |
Kuwait | Environment Protection Society | www.keps.org.kw |
Lebanon | Society for the Protection of Nature in Lebanon | www.spnl.org |
Palestine | Palestine Wildlife Society | www.wildlife-pal.org |
Qatar | Friends of the Environment Centre | fec.qa |
Saudi Arabia | Saudi Wildlife Authority | www.swa.gov.sa/ar/ |
Syria | Syrian Society for Conservation of Wildlife | |
Azerbaijan | Azerbaijan Ornithological Society | www.aos.az/az/ |
Georgia | Society for Nature Conservation (SABUKO) | sabuko.ge/ |
Australia | Birds Australia | www.birdsaustralia.com.au |
New Zealand | The Ornithological Society of New Zealand | osnz.org.nz |
New Zealand | Forest & Bird | www.forestandbird.org.nz |
Polynesia | Ornithological Society of Polynesia/ Société d'Ornithologie de Polynésie | www.manu.pf/E_index.html |
Cook Islands | Te Ipukarea Society | tiscookislands.org |
Fiji | NatureFiji-MareqetiViti | naturefiji.org |
New Caledonia | Société Calédonienne d’Ornithologie | sco.over-blog.org |
Palau | Palau Conservation Society | www.palauconservation.org |
West African Ornithological Society | malimbus.free.fr/ | |
South Africa | BirdLife South Africa | www.birdlife.org.za/page/54/home |
Zambia | Zambian Ornithological Society | www.wattledcrane.com |
Botswana | BirdLife Botswana | www.birdlifebotswana.org.bw |
Burkina Faso | NATURAMA | www.naturama.bf/web/ |
Burundi | Association Burundaise pour la protection de la Nature | www.abn.bi/index.php/fr/ |
Côte d'Ivoire | SOS-FORETS | www.sosforets.ci |
Djibouti | Djibouti Nature | djiboutinature.net |
Egypt | Nature Conservation Egypt | www.natureegypt.org |
Ethiopia | Ethiopian Wildlife and Natural History Society | www.ewnhs.org.et |
Ghana | Wildlife Society (GWS) | www.ghanawildlifesociety.org |
Kenya | NatureKenya | naturekenya.org |
Liberia | The Society for Conservation of Nature in Liberia | scnlliberia.org |
Madagascar | Asity Madagascar | asity-madagascar.org |
Malawi | Wildlife and Environmental Society of Malawi (WESM) | wesm.mw |
Mauritania | Nature Mauritania | |
Mauritius | The Mauritian Wildlife Foundation | www.mauritian-wildlife.org |
Morocco | GREPOM | www.grepom.org |
Nigeria | Nigerian Conservation Foundation (NCF) | |
Seychelles | Nature Seychelles | www.natureseychelles.org |
Sierra Leone | Conservation Society of Sierra Leone (CSSL) | |
Tunisia | Association Les Amis des Oiseaux | www.aao.org.tn |
Uganda | NatureUganda (NU) | www.natureuganda.org |
Zambia | BirdWatch Zambia | www.birdwatchzambia.org |
Zimbabwe | BirdLife Zimbabwe (BLZ) | www.birdlifezimbabwe.org |
Bulgaria | Bulgarian Ornithological Centre (BOC) | www.institutezoology.com/news_en.php?q=09103101 |
Canada | Birds Studies Canada | www.bsc-eoc.org |
Germany | Institute of Avian Research | www.vogelwarte-helgoland.de |
Germany | Max Planck Institute for Ornithology | www.orn.mpg.de |
India | Sálim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History (SACON) | www.sacon.in |
Israel | Israel Ornithological Center | www.aspni.org/aspni_ioc.html |
Italy | CISO Centro Italiano Studi Ornitologici | www.ciso-coi.org |
Japan | Yamashina Institute for Ornithology | www.yamashina.or.jp/hp/english/toppage.html |
Russia | Biological Station Rybachy | www.zin.ru/rybachy |
South Africa | Pearcy Fitzpatrick Institue | www.fitzpatrick.uct.ac.za |
Switzerland | Swiss Ornithological Institute | www.vogelwarte.ch |
UK | Edward Grey Institute | www.zoo.ox.ac.uk/egi |
UK | British Trust for Ornithology | www.bto.org |
Ukraine | Azov-Black Sea Ornithological Station | ornitology.narod.ru/english/about.html |
USA | Cornell Lab for Ornithology | www.birds.cornell.edu |